Monday, February 6, 2017

“ i hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that (Poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it.” - Dr. Benson

The quote that Dr. benson carson said was that he hated poverty he hated been poor and didn't want to be poverty. He said that he can change that and to change that he had to work really hard and study for what he wanted to be. It has been said that he would change it so he did so he studied and now he is a doctor working really hard. He went from being poor to rich now he has a good job now and he's working hard for him and his family. Back then he really hated reading such as his mother but he found out that life was getting harder every time and was changing the way he didn't want it to be. This quote is similar to the quote i did last time the education leads to success And that statement is true because dr. benson did what he had to do. He worked because he didn't want to be poor anymore his life was hard without any education. Now he's a doctor and helping patients out with tough lives.

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