Thursday, September 29, 2016

  Ear Nose Throat Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: Doctors help treat people with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, and throat.

Salary: They make $296,705

Education: : they need to complete 4 years of medical school.

Demand for this profession:  is high and is increasing.

Add a picture or two:

Reflection: I’d like to be one to treat patients with the disease.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

                   "obedience is central to becoming ,being,and remaining happy."-David Bednar

     obedience means when you obey someone david bednar states "obedience is central to becoming, being, remaining happy." He says if you are an obedience person you will remain happy

                                                 Lausd student services

  • student health and human services. 
  • student integration services. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Choosing the right is always the right thing to do

   "Choosing the right  is always the right thing to do" - Alex linares

Image result for Ctr
          Choosing the right is the right thing to do because if you chose the right you feel good and if you choose the wrong you feel bad. For example, if you chose the right if you did your homework you feel good because then you dont have to worry about it. Choosing the right is the right thing to do if you obey what your mom says your doing the right thing which means your choosing the right. For example, you went to jail for stealing money or something that means that you didn't do the right thing, but if you never stole anything you chose the right. For example, Your at school you work smart you work together and you work hard you are choosing the right.

Monday, September 19, 2016

                                  "True wealth Is of the heart, not of the purse" 

Image result for pathros        True wealth is of the heart not the purse which means that the heart is the wealth but not the purse. For example                          


Thursday, September 15, 2016

        "You cannot do wrong and feel right it is impossible"  -  Ezra T. Benson

Image result for ezra t benson      The statement means that if you do something wrong its impossible to feel right afterwards and not tell the truth. For example,

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

           "when i do good, i feel good. When i do bad, i feel bad." - Abraham Lincoln

Image result for abraham lincoln    That statement means that if You do something good you feel good for what you did. When you do bad you feel sad or bad for what you did wrong.  For example i once felt good when you complete your assignments i feel good But when i get in trouble at class i feel bad for what I've
done. So its better to feel good when you do good then feel bad because when you feel good you feel happy. When you do wrong you feel sad for not doing the right.


Friday, September 9, 2016

         "The key to freedom is obedience. The More obedient We are, The more Freedom we have."

Image result for boyd k packer   

        The key to freedom is obedience the more obedient we are, the more freedom we have. For example staying in jail is not freedom so its someone who was disobedience so he or she didn't have the key to be free for not being obedient. So its better to be obedient and have freedom than being disobedience.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                                             9/11 Memories
Image result for 9/11
         At 8:45 in a Tuesday planes crashed the twin towers on new York city. About 3,000 people got killed and injured over 6,000.  Its very sad to see people also jumping off the buildings because it was very hot in the building because it was very hot in there so people would just commit suicide.

Reflection: i think  its really sad to see people jumping off the buildings and commit suicide.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thomas Story Reflection

Thomas S. Mon son was only 8 years old and he was outside in the yard with his friend Danny Larson and they were pulling grass out of the dirt. Then Thomas had an idea of putting the grass on fire he then asked Danny if he agreed. Danny nodded his head and they both went in the house and Thomas grabbed the matches and went to the yard and set the match on fire, then he threw the match on the grass and the grass was on fire Thomas and Danny thought the fire will go out on its own but they were wrong they didn't know what to do. He then yelled for help and his friends came over with wet towels to stop the fire. After that Thomas realized that he was being disobedience when he set the grass on fire. So Thomas then learned that being disobedience was wrong. Thomas then became a obedience boy "Obedience is the great test of life."
                                       "Obedience is the great test of life."

      Obedience means when you obey the rules,
Image result for thomas s. monsonAnd law. So what i think about this is that he means that
being great, and obey the laws and the rules is the right
thing to do in life. For example, if you obey and do the right things you are an obedience person and you respect
and follow the things you are a good person. If you are
an disobedience person you dont follow the rules and
you dont respect or obey.




Thursday, September 1, 2016

 "Education is the latch key to success in life"
 Education is the latch key to success in life is that education can lead to a better future . Education is the latch key to success if you listen to school and pass all grades and college it can get you a better job in reality. Education can give you the job you always wanted so you need to learn at school to get the job you want.

Image result for gordon b hinckley